
What is life without MUSIC!

Music! Hören, spielen, Ensemble!・・・・しかしクリボッチ














I work part-time job almost every day.  Also tomorrow.  I want to refuse to work, but our chief lets me work.  Go ahead!


......But students has no guilty, so I manage to work as much as possible.  OMG.




Still I take some days off.  F.E. In this week; Wednesday,  I work as a staff of piano competiton, Thursday, I played in a chapel, Saturday, I play many musics  for the end of this year, Sunday, instead of practicing orchestra, I practiced in the blassband club.....etc.


I like music better than part-time job, but I work more than study.orz



I wanna study in österreich, so I must study Deutsch as soon and hard as possible.  Do right now><

First of all, I must get more than 700 points at the TOEIC.  If possible, 800pt...


Do my best!  Oh!☚まんまw